Saturday, 03 August 2013 01:41

Real Estate Marketing Strategies - Secrets to Successful Prospecting

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by Dr. Maya Bailey

Be honest with yourself and ask yourself if you've been avoiding the very action step that could make all the difference in your business. In today's new market especially, if you don't prospect you may miss out on a sudden surge business that has just come up.

When you call a client, you are calling to see if they need some help from you. For example if you call someone in the category of for sale by owners, then you're asking them if they might be able to use your services. The chances are very high that they can use your services. They didn't realize when they got into selling their home by themselves that it would be such a hassle. Usually they don't succeed and often they will hire you when you contact them with the right approach the right tone in your voice.

Most of you are suffering from old, subconscious self-limiting beliefs that you may not even be aware of, that stop you from picking up the phone. Most real estate agents consciously or subconsciously are carrying this belief: "If I call people, I'm bothering them".

However, fear of rejection is subjective and how you define it. If you look at it objectively, you will see that there really is no such thing as rejection when you are prospecting for leads.

Why? Because you are looking for someone who matches the services you offer. You have an expertise in helping people to buy and sell homes. You can be proud of that expertise. When you do lead generation, you're exploring to see if you can find a match for someone who's looking for your expertise. If someone is interested in your services, you found a match. If they are not interested in your services, they are not rejecting you. It simply is not a match. Thank them and move on to the next.

So instead of thinking with your old belief, you can easily cultivate a new belief: "I easily attract people who match the services I offer."

Another self-limiting belief is this: "If I call people, I won't know what to say."

There is no shortage of places to go where you can find very good prospecting scripts. You can Google on real estate prospecting scripts, you can find real estate teachers who specialize in prospecting and go to their websites, and you can read books on lead generation. You can also be creative and make up your own scripts.

But the script is only the lead in. Once you have the person's attention, you should be working on connecting with the person you're talking to. Convey to your prospective client through the tone of your voice that you are here to be of service and you care.

Have you heard the expression, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care"? Express your caring with your warmth and through being in alignment with the intention of your heart, which is to be of service and help people.

If you are in alignment with your purpose, this will be reflected in your voice. Your voice won't sound abrasive, it will sound invitational. It will have a lilt. People will be attracted to your voice and your energy, no matter which exact words you use.

The truth is you have a valuable service to offer. When you call people you are calling to see if you can be of service. You're calling from your heart to see if you might be able to help them.

When you come from an attitude of contribution, people will pick up on that and will be very receptive to you.

You will also begin to understand that there is no such thing as rejection. There is either a "match or not match". If it's not a match, you're not being rejected; the person simply does not need your service at this time, so you move on. Wake up in the morning with the thought, "Who can I help today"?

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